chip in 1 . 捐钱或出力 a chip off the old block 2 . (非正式)(尤指性格)和父亲或母亲相似的人 a chip on one's shoulder 3 . (非正式)(尤指对某事)根深蒂固的不满 have had one's chips 4 . (英,非正式)死;垂死;息战 when the chips are down 5 . (非正式)陷入困境,危急时刻 chip away 6 . (持续一步步地)损害;削弱 chip in (或 chip something in) 7 . (在合作项目中)出力;出钱 习惯用语 chip off the old block 1 . 酷似双亲:外表或性格酷似父母中一个的孩子 chip on (one's) shoulder 2 . 习惯性敌对或好斗的态度