dog and bone 1 . (谐俚)电话 dog eat dog 2 . 人吃人(指残酷无情的竞争) dog in the manger 3 . 占马槽的狗;占着茅坑不拉屎 dog-and-pony show 4 . (北美)精心安排的盛大演出(或展示) a dog's age 5 . (北美,非正式)好久;很长时间 dogs bark, but the caravans move on 6 . (谚)狗虽叫,商队还是会继续前进;说者自说,我行我素 the dog's bollocks 7 . (英,粗俚)最好的人(或物) a dog's dinner (或 breakfast) 8 . (英,非正式)干得很差的工作;一团糟 a dog's life 9 . (充满问题和不公正待遇的)不愉快的生活 the dogs of war 10 . (诗/文)战争浩劫 dressed (up) like a dog's dinner 11 . (英,非正式)可笑地穿着时髦(或显摆)的衣服 every dog has his (或 its) day 12 . (谚)凡人皆有得意时 give a dog a bad name and hang him 13 . (谚)欲加之罪,何患无辞;流言可畏 hair of the doglet sleeping dogs lielike a dog with two tails 14 . 非常开心 not a dog's chance 15 . 根本没有机会 put on the dog 16 . (北美,非正式)自大;显摆 rain cats and dogs1. we have to put on the dog for Anne Marie.对安妮•玛丽我们可要摆摆架子。as sick as a dog1. we have to put on the dog for Anne Marie.对安妮•玛丽我们可要摆摆架子。throw someone to the dogs 17 . 抛弃;摒弃 you can't teach an old dog new tricks 18 . (谚)没法让老狗学新把戏;很难让人们改变他们的方式 why keep a dog and bark yourself? 19 . (谚)为什么养条狗还要自己来叫;为什么雇了人还要自己来做? 习惯用语 dog it【俚语】 1 . 拈轻怕重,逃避工作:不花费必要的力气去做或者完成某事 go to the dogs 2 . 毁灭;堕落 put on the dog【非正式用语】 3 . 装模作样:装出斯文、有钱或有文化的样子